The Mojito


The Mojito

Nothing transports you to the beach quite like an ice-cold, mint mojito. This cocktail offers an unparalleled freshness to quench your thirst while offering a unique pallet of smooth flavours. For anyone who adores mint and lime, a mojito should be your go-to on summer days or days when you’re missing summer. Enjoy the specialty P.S. Modern mojito year-round with this quick and simple recipe. You are welcome to adjust the quantities to your preference!


  • 1 oz P.S. Modern Mint Syrup

  • Soda Water

  • 1 oz White Rum

  • 2 to 5 Fresh Mint

  • Lime wedges

  • Crushed Ice


  1. Put some lime wedges in the bottom of the cup

  2. Add a couple of mint leaves, be sure to crush them up a little bit to release the flavour

  3. Add your syrup

  4. Muddle

  5. Add crushed ice

  6. Add your white rum

  7. Fill the rest of the cup with soda



Syrup with Soda


The Hugo